“Wait! What?! I’m gonna be a Grandma?!!!” … Yup, you guessed it. That’s exactly what went through my head when our daughter & son-in-law shared their news. Excited? Well of course, absolutely! Scared? Oh, you betcha. Hey, I haven’t done this newborn, toddler thing in years. I’m so outta practice… and sooo out of shape.
I had 7 months to prepare. I knew my role – I got this. Help to stock up on diapers & wipes – check. Cute onesies, pj’s, stuffed animals – check. Car seat and playpen for grandma’s house – check. Going along to help register at the baby store – check. Plan a baby shower with cute favors – check. I thought I had a grip on everything for “before”the baby’s arrival…
Look How Bigga Me 4D/HD Ultrasounds
But then I thought, I can’t wait another 7 months to meet my grandchild! That’s where Look How Bigga Me came in with their amazing 4D/HD ultrasound packages. They provided us with an experience that brought our family closer together and introduced us to our newest member, a baby girl!

We loved getting a sneak peek of her little features which made it even more exciting to meet her. The staff at Look How Bigga Me’s 4D/HD elective ultrasound studio prides itself on creating an opportunity where mom/dad (and new grandma’s too!) can experience this latest technology while connecting and forming a greater love with their unborn child.
Elective Ultrasounds Are A Great Gift For Expecting Moms
As a mom, I found myself joyfully taking care of EVERYONE else but somehow forgetting to take care of ME along the way. It showed. Over the years I was packing on the pounds, which lead to joint pain, health issues, poor sleeping habits, lack of proper hydration, poor food choices, loss of energy, foggy mind, depression – and instead of suggesting I change my diet, doctors just kept throwing more medicines at me. And this all started with the first time I found out I was pregnant: that drive to put someone else first.

I thought to myself, I want something different for my daughter. I want her to learn that it’s ok to prioritize herself, too! My daughter (the new mom) was beside herself with the ultrasound gift package. It was something she never would have thought to buy for herself, since the modern medical community only thinks of ultrasounds as a medical necessity. But they are so much more than that. When we first saw my granddaughter, it was a moment neither of us will ever forget. And I feel so blessed to have shared that moment with my daughter and her husband.
The 4D/HD Ultrasound Set Me On A New Path
As I looked at the 4D ultrasound, I was smiling on the outside for all to see, but inside, I was also yearning for a better way for myself. Here I was at 52 years old, thinking, I could be on this earth another 20-30 years, is this how I was going to feel the rest of my life? Feeling overweight, unhealthy, and with aches and pains. I yearned to feel better and to be better. Not just for me and my grown family but for this new little one! Looking at our granddaughter on that ultrasound, I knew I now had a new “title” and role to play.

I’ve failed so many weight loss programs in the past, I put the “yo” in Yo-Yo dieting. But motivated by my time at Look How Bigga Me, I found a new path. One with a life coach to encourage me and hold me accountable, plus a community of like minded people. The coach shared with me that it’s not a “diet”, it’s a life change. It sparked my interest, because after all, let’s face it – I needed a life change! I was gonna be a Grandma, and life is changing! She explained to me how I didn’t need to go out and get a gym membership, would get to eat 6 times a day and how I’d experience new found energy, a clearer mind and much better rest. And the best part is, I didn’t have to do it alone.
And I Have Look How Bigga Me To Thank For Starting This Journey!
So fast forward to the present day… I’m still Rockin’ being a Grandma. I’ve kept my weight off, I’m not sitting on the couch (unless we are of course watching Disney’s Frozen at my granddaughter’s request). So these days I can be found with my grandbabies on the swing set, sliding down the slide and of course, jumping on the bounce house and chasing her around, and playing hide and seek. It feels soooo good. I feel so happy. Life is short, but I have many chapters left in this book of life that I want to “write” with my grandbabies. Where are you at in your story? … “Tag! You’re It!!”
Are you ready to bring you or a loved one’s pregnancy story to a whole new level? Look How Bigga Me is here at your service! Our 4D/HD ultrasound packages provide a calming and comforting experience for mother’s and their loved ones that allow you to see your baby in full vision and bring your family closer together. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or would like any further information regarding our services and packages. Look How Bigga Me is proud to serve clients from many areas of Pennsylvania and we look forward to providing you with an experience you will never forget!
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